Listen up, tree lovers! You need to know about Beech Leaf Disease. This insidious ecological threat was first detected in Ohio around 2012 and has been rapidly spreading throughout the... read more →
Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) is causing growing environmental concern, making waves due to its ability to harm Beech trees of all ages, from sapling-sized trees to mature giants. Also, this... read more →
Trees are the silent sentinels of our yards, streets, and forests. Their changing colors throughout the seasons not only mark the passage of time but also reveal a lot about... read more →
Trees are majestic additions to any property, providing shade, beauty, and a habitat for wildlife. However, like all living organisms, trees can face health challenges that, if left unaddressed, can... read more →
As winter descends upon the picturesque landscapes of Pennsylvania, one annual vexation troubles arborists and homeowners alike — deer that damage trees. Yes, those seemingly placid, doe-eyed creatures that add... read more →
Everyone loves the vibrant palette of autumn. This time of year isn’t just a feast for the eyes, though — it’s also a prime moment for adding new trees to... read more →
If you have hemlock trees on your property, you probably have heard about hemlock wooly adelgid. First discovered in Pennsylvania in 1967, these tiny sap-sucking insects have infected, weakened, and... read more →
Mother Nature treats us to a unique spectacle of leaves changing color every fall. But what triggers the fall leaf color change from a biological point of view? Varying theories... read more →
Girdling roots circle or partially circle a tree’s base or just below the soil surface. Why do roots girdle? How does it affect the tree? Is there a remedy for girdling... read more →
How does beech leaf disease spread? This notorious ailment in trees was first discovered in the United States in 2012 and has wreaked havoc in forests across North America. It... read more →