Is bacterial leaf scorch contagious? If you have multiple trees in your yard and one of them starts to succumb to this disease, it’s natural to feel concerned about the... read more →
The eastern tent caterpillar is the larval stage of a moth in the Lasiocampidae family. The adult brown moth has a generic furry appearance and feathery antennae. But it also... read more →
Magnolias are the very epitome of natural charm. They’re hard to miss, with their majestic branches festooned with lush, glossy leaves and a crown of resplendent blossoms. And they perfume... read more →
Could you be looking at peach tree borer damage? In the heart of beautiful Pennsylvania, these notorious pests wreak havoc on the living landscape. Don’t let them ruin your treasured... read more →
Just like humans, trees need their fair share of care to thrive, especially when Mother Nature throws a curveball like a parching drought. Does one of your beloved specimens seem... read more →
Are you noticing a cotton-like substance on your camellias or hollies? This could signify cottony camellia scale, a common pest that can harm your plants. At Rick's PHC Certified Arborists,... read more →
Are you worried about your pear tree's health? When the leaves and branches turn brown, you might wonder if it's a sign of fire blight. You're not alone. Many homeowners... read more →
Plants may fall victim to a wide range of pests and diseases. Spider mites are among the most common and destructive pests plants regularly encounter. Let’s discuss how to prevent... read more →
Is your maple tree looking rather gloomy or showing signs of scale? If so, an insect called gloomy scale may be to blame for the less-than-spectacular appearance. However, gloomy scales may... read more →
As the number-one provider of residential tree care and inspection services in various areas of Pennsylvania, our licensed arborists at Rick's PHC Certified Arborists notice bronze birch borer symptoms in many trees... read more →